Community Guidelines

Welcome to Oooh! By using our Oooh, you agree to abide by our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, House Rules and the following Community Guidelines. Any misuse of Oooh or violations to any of these policies and guidelines can result in a permanent ban from Oooh.

We are building *real* community.

... and we need your help! Every great community has great citizens who understand the community is only as good as the members with in it. So we ask that you use Oooh:

  • Authentically
  • Collaboratively, and
  • Respectfully

Oooh is the best interactive platform for friends, creators and communities of shared-interests to connect through shared experiences. These guidelines were created with an inclusive and diverse community in mind, and outline what is expected by everyone who uses Oooh. We are committed to Oooh being a safe and supportive platform, and will take measures to protect all of our Users, Creators and team. For additional guidelines and policies, please refer to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Communities look out for each other. If you see something that you feel crosses any of the guidelines below, please flag it in the app and/or reach out to us at - even if you’re unsure or have a question. Our team is dedicated to fostering a platform for all and we’ll work together with you and take appropriate action to maintain this great community.

Integrity and Authenticity

Oooh is a platform for you to be your best self while engaging with others, so it is vital to the community that you are being authentic while not infringing on others, the community at large, or the platform itself. While not exhaustive, here are some areas to keep in mind:

  • Account - Alongside content created and posted, User’s are also responsible for their account credentials and their confidentiality; these are not to be shared with or sold to anyone not originally associated with the account
  • Advertising and Sponsored content - while permitted, Creators and/or Brands should partner with Oooh to ensure that content is community appropriate and not predatory
  • Consent - Users should only post content of themselves, other Users or persons who have consented to being in the video with the knowledge that it will be posted on a public platform
  • Spam, scams, and malicious or misleading conduct - Alongside the guidelines above, content on Oooh should not be spammed, create/promote/manipulate to scam other Users and Creators, or be posted with malicious or misleading intent
  • Impersonation - Users will only create accounts for themselves or teams/brands that they represent in an official capacity
  • Intellectual Property - Users should only post content that has been created by them. If we receive a report that something posted violates another’s rights to IP, then the content will be moderate and additional actions may be taken on the account
  • DMCA - As stated with IP, Users should only post content that does not infringe on another’s rights in regards to copyrights and trademarks. We will moderate all reports and take action as necessary


Any and all content posted or shared through Oooh must be appropriate for an inclusive and diverse audience across age, race or ethnic origin, religion or affiliation, gender, identity, orientation, and ability. To be clear - content in Oooh includes anything you do, post or share: messages, ooohs, media, activities, reacts; your profile name, picture and bio; and your group name, picture and bio. Content should never feature or include speech or actions that contain, promote, incite, or teach any of the following:

  • Discriminatory, hateful, and/or hate speech including slurs - any language or actions that have intent to attack, dehumanize, or degrade a living being
  • Gratuitous usage of adult or inappropriate language or profanity - language should be appropriate for all ages
  • Sexually suggestive or explicit material with or without nudity
  • Threatening, violent, or graphic material, including mentioning or showing weapons - this also includes tragic world attacks or other shocking events
  • Smoking/vaping, alcohol, or other drugs/narcotics alongside any form of substance abuse or paraphernalia
  • Criminal or terrorist organizations, imagery, or propaganda
  • Dangerous or illegal activities, phrases, or imagery
  • Unethical or cruel actions against any living being - human or otherwise

The above list is not not exhaustive and Oooh can moderate and remove any content that is deemed to be inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise disrupts the safety of the community.

Context and Intent

Create content with context and positive intent — if either are unclear and could be misunderstood then action may be taken against the content and/or your account. Here are some questions to consider before posting content to the platform:

  • Why are you sharing or posting this to Oooh? - consider your intent, the impact this content to have on another human, and the intended outcome
  • Where and what is included in the content of your post or message? - consider your background and who/what is visible
  • Who is your audience? - consider that Oooh is a platform for everyone and your content should be viewable for all ages, shapes, sizes, identities, abilities, and beliefs

Zero-tolerance on Spam &
Anti-Community Behavior

Oooh needs to earn the trust of all our users, and protect individuals and communities from behaviors that violate the integrity of the service. Therefore, Oooh has a zero-tolerance for spam and anti-community behavior. Oooh's policies here are more stringent than you might find on other social media. Oooh's login philosophy of using mobile phone number as the only means to sign-up and gain the priveleges of the Oooh service, for instance, is an intentional way to root out bad actors, bots, and multiple anonymous accounts. People who seek to violate or destroy communities and our policies, or otherwise don't care about the impact their actions have on others are not welcome on Oooh.

In short: spammmy, obnoxious, bad-for-the-community behavior that erodes platform and user trust will result in appropriate actions by Oooh.


  • Spam LINKS in groups, threads or DMs
  • Spam MESSAGES anywhere
  • DM multiple users you don't know, they don't follow you OR appears to the Oooh service to be solicitation or repeatedly unwelcome
  • @tag consistently others who don't follow you, and appears repeatedly unwelcome
  • Buy fake followers/members/interactions
  • Use 3rd party services to create additional accounts

Personal Information

Oooh is a place for you to be authentically you, but you shouldn’t share everything with everyone. Just like the internet, we strongly encourage you to double-check what you’re posting for personal information before you share. In our efforts to maintain a safe environment, content will be moderated by our team, mods the community and group owners, and removed if deemed necessary. Personal information that should not be shared includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Identity: Full name, age, gender, ID cards/certificates, passport
  • Location: Address, City, County, State/Province
  • Location identifiers: School name, work place, license plates
  • Contact information: email address, phone numbers

Cyberbullying and Harassment

Oooh is a community for everyone. Cyberbullying and harassment can come in all shapes and sizes, but there is no place for that here. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Bullying, intimidating, or humiliating
  • Actions or attempts at Blackmail
  • Attacks or abuse intended for a specific individual or group
  • Revealing personal information
  • Singling or calling out individuals or group
  • Encouraging or teaching others to do any of the above

In general, any action or activity that is intentionally made to provoke or antagonize another member of the Oooh community to target or garner a reaction will be considered bullying; repetitive actions/activities like this will be considered harassment. Under no circumstances will either be tolerated.

Group & Account Responsibility

Continuity of Community. Official group chats that are verified or reach 100 users cannot be deleted, as they are vital to the community. Owners and moderators are encouraged to ensure a smooth transition of leadership if they choose to step down. Verified groups tied to a public personality may be marked as “unofficial” upon request, resulting in the removal of the owner from their position. See our TOS for more information.

Public Identity and Ownership. Public group chats created in the name and likeness of another person or entity without explicit approval may be closed, removed, or transferred to the rightful owner upon verification. Such groups will not be eligible for verification or official status unless sufficient proof is provided.

Moderator and Owner Responsibilities. Owners are expected to manage their group chats in a manner that benefits the community. If an owner wishes to step down, they must ensure that another moderator or member is equipped to take over. Failure to do so may result in administrative actions by Oooh to maintain the stability of the group chat.

Prohibition on Account Squatting and Multiple Accounts. Squatting on usernames or group names is not allowed, and inactive groups may be subject to removal or transfer. The creation of multiple accounts using fake information or phone numbers is prohibited and may lead to banning.

Platform Manipulation and Security Threats

Activities of any kind that intend or attempt to disrupt or create irrevocable harm to Oooh (the brand, platform, website, etc.) will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Hacking, breaching, or otherwise breaking into locked down content/areas
  • Viruses or malicious software including attempting to direct users out of app to engage with harmful sites, contacts, or programs
  • Reverse engineering including the deconstruction of the app with the intent of using it for scripts, falsifying engagement, or competitive purposes
  • Automated scripts to falsify engagement, pull data from the app, etc.
  • Falsifying engagement: anything that could artificially increase followers, likes, responses, views, or levels

Creators & Ambassadors

Creators and Ambassadors of Oooh should always represent and adhere to these guidelines, and the spirit of community as Oooh's preeminent group leaders. Creators & Ambassadors play a unique part in the Oooh community as curators of their own group's content and the content that they choose to feature, highlight, remove, react to, and/or share.

In the event that a Creator or Ambassador partakes in any activity or posts content that goes against Oooh's policies, or engages in willful permissibility of actions in their groups that violate Oooh's policies, appropriate action will be taken against the Creator or Ambassador or the content, including the removal of their Creator status, banning their account, deleting their group, voiding out any future payments and/or recovering payments previously sent to them.


Our community’s safety and enjoyment is our priority. Activity that violates any of these guidelines and/or our Terms of Service will result in action against the content and/or the account; including suppression and/or removal of content, temporary suspension, and permanent ban from the platform.

Generally, the first violation will result in action against the content that goes against these guidelines. If violations continue then our team will take further action against the content and the account in order to maintain a safe environment for all users. In extreme cases, the Oooh team will take further action to the fullest extent to keep our community and our team safe.

Content Disputes

If you believe your content or account has been actioned on incorrectly, please reach out with “Content Dispute” in the subject team so that our team can review and take next steps. Note that actions will only be reversed if the original flag/report is deemed to be false.

Final Note

We appreciate you working with us to maintain a safe and enjoyable community for all users. As a reminder, the above is not meant to be an exhaustive or set-in-stone list. Please refer to it as often as you need to help ensure that your content is created for all.

If you encounter any content or Users that you believe to be violating the guidelines, please do not hesitate to flag the content in the app and/or reach out: We will thoroughly review and investigate all reports we receive.